Abstract: The paper focuses on the analysis of mass media texts attained with computer-aided and machine translation programmes. The author provides with an algorithm to correct mistakes based on translation errors made by the computer-aided translation software SmartCAT supported by examples of BBC News and the Guardian reports translated from English into Russian. This algorithm is aimed at making the postediting process more efficient.Keywords: postediting, computer-aided translation, machine translation, translation errors, translation transformations
Грамматические Аспекты Перевода Сулейманова
211.Coillie, J. van. Character Names in Translation: A Functional Approach / J. van Coillie // Children's Literature in Translation: Challenges and Strategies / eds. Jan Van Coillie, P. Walter. - London; New York : Routledge, 2006. - P. 123-140
8.Don't you see that, you stupid whore?Или сам не видишь, дубина? (стилистическое изменение)Ты что, не видишь, болван? (стилистическое изменение)
4.... and then he fucks off... а он валит в пекло (стилистическое изменение)...от него ни слуху, ни духу (стилистическое изменение)
21.An d then all your cocksucking grandsons can ruin the familyА потом твои никчемные (стилистическое изменение) внуки всеА потом внуки-членососы все это погубят своими выходками 2ff7e9595c