The history of the library dates from the beginning of the university. The first circular of the university, issued in 1856, speaks of a certain appropriation to "be expended during the current year in books for a library." An early catalogue states that "it is accessible to all students." From the first the policy has been, a university library used but not abused. Through the years the number of volumes has been increased until the library contains (May 31, 1891,) twenty-four thousand one hundred and sixteen bound volumes and many thousand pamphlets. In 1869, Luther L. Greenleaf, of Evanston, purchased the library of Hon. Johann Schulze, Ph. D., Member of the Prussian Ministry of Public Instruction, from his heirs, and presented it to the university. About half of this library of eleven thousand volumes and nearly as many pamphlets pertains to classical philology; it contains a notable collection of the Greek and Latin classics, early and late, and in many editions. In 1878, William Deering and L. J. Gage purchased and
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